Illustrator Assim

Assim is an experienced illustrator, capable of many styles of illustration from stylized to realistic. Has worked on a wide array of projects, delivering work for games, merchandise, TV, print media, wall-art and many more.

Capable of leading and managing projects, no matter how big or small, extensive leadership experience from leading the in-house Illustration team at Gamesys Group & later Bally's Interactive. Liaising with stakeholders on current and upcoming projects, mentoring team members and managing learning and development!

Outside of work, Assim enjoys illustrating personal projects and ideas, learning 3D, embroidery, shopping for hats, as well as trying to get faster solve times on a rubix cube!

Fancy working together? Email me: Lets talk!

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︎ Artstation
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All Artwork Copyrighted Assim Heetun


Assim Heetun

 ︎Instagram: @agentmelon
 ︎Artstation:  melon
 ︎Email Me